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- Written by Eric Morson
- Category: Board
- Hits: 91534
Serving our neighborhood on the Board of Directors or as an Officer is a great honor and responsibility.
The Board meets every other month and at our annual meeting, which is typically held in May. We hope you will consider serving!
The President presides at all meetings of the organization and of the Board of Directors, and appoints all committees (subject to confirmation by the Board of Directors). The President is an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee, and is responsible for making a report of the activities of the organization for the past year at the Annual Meeting. The President sets the tone of the Board of Directors, and by extension, the organization as a whole. Strong, motivated leadership keeps the SMA vitalized.
The Vice President, in the absence of or request by the President, assumes the duties of the President. Along with the Treasurer, and Secretary, The Vice President serves as an advisor to the President.
The Treasurer is responsible for
- Collecting all money due the organization (including dues), and managing our bank accounts.
- Paying all bills.
- Maintaining current records of all financial transactions.
- Submitting a report of the organization's financial standing at the Annual Meeting, providing a current standing at each Board of Directors' meeting, and reporting at any other time the Board of Directors requests.
The Secretary is responsible for:
- Recording and keeping the minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors and of the organization
- Keeping a current list of the names and addresses of all members of the organization
- Maintaining an ongoing historical archive of documents and papers of the Association.
- Being the SMA's de-facto Historian.
The Officers are part of the Board of Directors. Collectively, the Board is responsible for presenting the best face of the Saw Mill Association through it's efforts, communications, social engagements, and community service. Being a resource to all who live here, and a concerned ear for our neighbors is at our core. Event planning, welcoming new families to the neighborhood, being in contact with the City of Stamford, and maintaining the front entrance are a few of the vital endeavours the Board continuously strives to do well.
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Board
- Hits: 16083
Board of Directors - Meeting Munites
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- Written by Eric Morson
- Category: Board
- Hits: 84867
- Details
- Written by Eric Morson
- Category: Board
- Hits: 103315
Officers & Board of Directors
The volunteers who serve as Officers and members of the Board of Directors care deeply about Saw Mill. We are grateful for their service!
Our bylaws limit years of consecutive service on the Board to four. The number beside each Director's name indicates where they are in their current 4 year cycle.Anyone in year (4 or 5) is ineligible to serve as a Director or Officer next term, but may run again after one year has passed.